Main objective
To explore the optimal modalities and potential barriers to increase the effectiveness of door-to-door screening for Leprosy and PEP administration.
Specific objectives
- To assess the local social and cultural context to understand perceptions regarding leprosy
- To test and continuously evaluate barriers and enabling factors (including the acceptability, feasibility and adherence) for door-to-door screening and treatment.
- To assess perceptions of transmission and infectiousness regarding patients and asymptomatic carriers.
- To contribute to the design of socially and culturally adapted health education messages based on the insights from objectives 1 to 3.
- To provide an in-depth understanding of people’s social networks, including household members, kinship and additional positions in the network such as friends, work-related contacts, in order to assess what profile of person should be screened in addition to the index case as they constitute socio-culturally relevant people in the index-case’s network.